Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are you watching Downton Abbey????

I’m obsessed…I admit it!  Masterpiece has once again delivered a  beautifully quiet series.  But then again, I’m in love with all the British filmed series;  everything from Sense and Sensibility to Inspector Lewis.  It doesn’t matter what time period, I love them all!  The set designs are fantastic and the costumes are to die for!  No wonder since they have set a record for the most expensive television series ever filmed in England!

Now we have Downton Abbey season two.  There is both the upstairs and downstairs drama to keep you guessing.  We wonder what will happen with Miss Mary as well as what will that wicked Thomas do next??? 

With three sisters there is always plenty of drama!

I think best of all is that it is such an escape from present day.  No presidential elections, no terrorism or any references to the disturbing news of today and no one screaming at me to buy Shamwow…just pure relaxing fantasy. 

And to make things even more perfect….they did a Twilight photo shoot……

And one in Vogue too!

So set the dvr for Sunday evening…you won’t want to miss another episode of  Downton Abbey!  And if you haven’t seen it yet, remember you can go to PBS online to view past episodes!

1 comment:

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Yes! I love it, love it, love it!~Patti