I've had this little chair for years. It goes way back to when everything in my house was country blue and mauve....yes the eighties. When we moved, my entire family wondered why I was taking that chair? Of course the family doesn't know the many hours I spent in that little chair when the kids were little....the hours of waiting for fevers to drop, waiting for buses to come, even waiting for dates to end. I just couldn't part with the little chair. It didn't seem to belong to any of the other things in the house now, but it was so darned cute. You know, one of those little chairs that you can tuck in somewhere. So this week I decided to give it a place of its own. A place where it can finally belong again. Of course I knew all along that it would be perfect for my sewing room. A comfy little place to park my behind when I finally get back at creating.
I gathered together materials to fit it. I sorted thru my stash many times but nothing seemed to work. Then I remembered the sweet little sheets that I had for my daughters room. They would be perfect! They had been used, but only laundered a couple of times. Just enough times to make the fabric soft and looking comfy. Not only did I have the perfect fabric but I was also being a little "green" because of the recycling of the sheets. And it sure was economical!
So, now my slipcover is finished. It's not a fancy chair, but a chair that now feels loved again. I know, because I could see it felt happy!
Oh, and a freshly washed Mr. Smokey liked the new chair cover too!